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When you register as a member, priceline And agree to the deal.

“Account opening agreement”

Article 1 General Provisions

1.1 These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as "Terms") govern the rules that users must follow when using the simulation short-term rental optimization platform operated by Priceline (hereinafter referred to as "the Company" or "the Platform"), as well as the relationship between the users and the Company.

1.2 Users of the service must fully understand and comply with these Terms. By using the service, users are deemed to have agreed to adhere to these Terms.

Article 2 Definitions and Scope

2.1 This provision applies to users who register to use the Platform’s services and the rights and obligations associated with such actions.

2.2 A user refers to an individual or entity that has registered on the Platform and uses its services.

2.3 The Platform aims to enhance the business performance and visibility of short-term rental facilities through data collection and promotional activities.

Article 3 Registration and Use

3.1 Users must register in accordance with the Platform’s requirements and provide accurate and truthful personal or corporate information.

3.2 By registering and using the Platform, users agree to the provisions of these Terms.

3.3 Users have the right to use the Platform’s related services based on the authority specified in these Terms.

Article 4 Data Collection and Promotional Activities

4.1 To ensure successful data collection, users must complete all short-term rental promotional activities (a total of 40) within 24 hours of registration. Users must complete these activities in a timely manner to ensure the accuracy and continuity of the data.

4.2 Users must not complete short-term rental promotional activities in advance. Violating this provision may be considered a breach and could result in the suspension of data collection by the system.

4.3 Owners of short-term rental facilities and users must not publish false information on any social media or other platforms. Users are required to provide accurate short-term rental information and promotional activity data.

4.4 Users must comply with the work instructions and requirements provided by the Company and should contact the Company in a timely manner if they have any questions or concerns.

Article 5 Data Completion and Withdrawal Requirements

5.1 Users must complete a set of data according to the Company’s demands and procedures. A set of data refers to the completion of 40 short-term rental promotional activities. Users must ensure the accuracy and completeness of the data.

5.2 If users are required to make advance payments for short-term rental promotional activities, they must complete the payment unconditionally. Advance payments will be settled with the day’s rewards upon completion.

5.3 If users wish to withdraw midway after being asked to make an advance payment for short-term rental promotional activities, they must pay a corresponding penalty. The penalty amount will be reasonably assessed by the Platform based on the actual situation.

Article 6 Premium Short-Term Rental Reservation Compensation

6.1 Users who complete premium short-term rental reservations will receive a reward of 5% of the reservation amount as compensation.

6.2 Registered users can receive premium short-term rental reservation compensation up to seven times per day.

Article 7 Confidentiality Obligations

7.1 Users must keep confidential any trade secrets and other relevant information provided by the Company and must not disclose them to third parties.

7.2 Users will continue to be bound by confidentiality obligations even after the termination of these Terms.

Article 8 Liability for Breach

8.1 If a user violates any provision of these Terms, the Company has the right to take appropriate measures such as issuing warnings, suspending accounts, or terminating contracts.

8.2 If a user’s breach causes damage to the Company or other users, the user will be liable for appropriate damages.

Article 9 Legal Applicability and Dispute Resolution

9.1 These Terms are governed by the laws of the United States.

9.2 In the event of a dispute arising from the performance of these Terms, the parties will resolve it through friendly consultations. If consultations fail, either party has the right to bring the matter before a competent court in New York.

9.3 Even if some provisions of these Terms are found to be invalid during their performance, the applicable provisions will remain valid.

9.4 In the event of litigation related to this service, the New York District Court will have exclusive jurisdiction of the first instance.

Article 10 Rights Ownership

10.1 All intellectual property rights and copyrights related to this website and the service belong to the Company or the legitimate rights holders such as content providers.

Article 11 Other Provisions

11.1 These Terms will take effect from the user’s registration and use of the Platform, replacing any previous oral or written agreements.

11.2 The Company reserves the right to amend these Terms as necessary and will post the revised terms on the website. Users are required to regularly check and comply with the latest Terms.

Users should carefully read the above provisions before using the Platform and confirm their compliance with the Terms.
